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Cornell Graphics and Vision Group

Author: Hubert Lin

AutoPhoto: Aesthetic Photo Capture using Reinforcement Learning

IROS 2021

What Can Style Transfer and Paintings Do For Model Robustness?

CVPR 2021

Materials In Paintings (MIP): An interdisciplinary dataset for perception, art history, and computer vision

PLOS One, 2021.

Insights From A Large-Scale Database of Material Depictions In Paintings

International Workshop on Fine Art Pattern Extraction and Recognition, ICPR 2020

DeepSemanticHPPC: Hypothesis-based Planning over Uncertain Semantic Point Clouds

ICRA 2020; First three authors contributed equally (random order).

Block Annotation: Better Image Annotation for Semantic Segmentation with Sub-Image Decomposition

ICCV 2019

Learning Material-Aware Local Descriptors for 3D Shapes

3DV 2018